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1) Can you review what are common causes for AGEP?

Over 90% of cases of AGEP are provoked by medications, most often beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins and quinolones). Other drugs that may cause AGEP are reported to include:

2) How quickly after exposure to the offending agent does the rash of AGEP occur?

The onset of AGEP is usually within 2 days of exposure to the responsible medication.


3) If we shouldn’t use systemic steroids for GPP, how should we treat an acute GPP presentation?

 Guidelines published in 2012 by the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation recommend acitretin, cyclosporine, or methotrexate to be the first-line therapies for acute GPP.18 Severe and extensive disease is likely to most effectively be treated with infliximab or cyclosporine, given the quicker onset of action with these drugs.18 Infliximab, a TNF-α inhibitor, has a uniquely rapid onset of therapeutic effect. One study described the efficacy in nine of ten patients with acute GPP who experienced results within 24 hours to 7 days of the first treatment.38 A similar study showed an improvement in all patients with acute GPP at 2 weeks following initiation of infliximab therapy, with disappearance of pustules in all enrolled patients and continued remission at 30 weeks.

Psoriasis (Auckl). 2016; 6: 131–144.

Published online 2016 Sep 12. doi: 10.2147/PTT.S98954

3) Do you usually see PPP by itself or does it only occur in those with existing psoriasis?

Palmoplantar psoriasis (PPP) is a variant of psoriasis located on the palms and/or soles which often occurs along with psoriasis elsewhere on the body and less commonly may be the only skin manifestation [12]. The prevalence of PPP in psoriasis patients varies between studies from 2.8% to 40.9%.

4) Do you have to have both palms and soles involved to call it PPP, or can it be seen in only one or other loactions?

The meta-analysis revealed that the prevalence of PPP of both palms and soles (59%) was almost three times higher than the prevalence of any single location of PPP, i.e. either palms (21%) or soles (20%) involvement

Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2019 Oct; 36(5): 595–603.

Published online 2019 Nov 12. doi: 10.5114/ada.2019.89508